It has been a bit chaotic the last couple of years with lockdowns and the like preventing our regular meetings for long periods of time to time. The situation has (understandably) meant that some have allowed their BSA membership to expire. It seems that our regular meetings are going to be able to continue from now on, so members are reminded that subscriptions fall due each February.
If you have yet to pay your subs for 2022 ($35 for an individual member, $40 for family membership), you can do so either at one of our meetings by seeing Michele with cash or cheque payment, or by an internet transfer.
Our bank account details, should you require them, are:
Account name | Bonsai Society of Australia Inc. |
BSB | 062 140 |
Account no. | 00904334 |
If you are paying over the internet, please leave ‘your name and subs’ in the message details, so we know where the money has come from.