A Passionate Voice For Australian Natives

Marcela Ferreira is a Melbournian passionate in her interest in Australian native trees as bonsai. Marcela has dedicated her bonsai interest in working with hundreds of natives from tube stock to yamadori and has achieved a reputation as an authority […]

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Workshop Notes

This month you can start bringing dormant deciduous species for repotting and styling. If you are planning to put your tree into a bonsai pot for the first time, be sure to bring at least a couple of pots you […]

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Workshop Notes (May 2024)

This month we are having two workshop meetings, with our special one in the main hall on the first Tuesday and the normal workshop on the third Tuesday night in the activities room. May continues to be a good time […]

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Dead Wood Work

Water Gum (Tristaniopsis laurina) is a great choice for bonsai, particularly in the Sydney area where it is commonly used as a street tree and thrives with little or no attention. Shiny, attractive foliage with bronze tips in spring, easily […]

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Repotting an Old Trident Maple

Bought at the Illawarra show last May, the basic plan for this old trident maple (1991) was to deal with the congestion at the apex, remove the highest root on the right-hand side and change the angle when repotting. The […]

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Spraying Trees With Diluted Lime Sulphur by Andrew Edge

Being the first month of winter means it’s the first of three ‘bench sprays’ with diluted lime sulphur over the next three months. I like to do any spraying on the first weekend of the month. That way I remember […]

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Bonsai By The Harbour: Michele T

It was a real treat for me to attend Bonsai by the Harbour this June, not only because it was the first time I’d ever been able to attend this event, but also because our previously wet and cold winter […]

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Workshop Notes: Michele T

October is still a good time to repot many evergreens, such as olives, pyracantha and buxus. Chinese elms can be repotted almost any time of the year, so now is also a good time for working on them. The other […]

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Gogo Juice by Lee Wright

I went to Bunnings to get some Seamungus to give my bonsai a shot in the arm but the only size they had was more than I could use, more than I could carry. Forget that. So I turned to […]

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Working on a neglected maple forest last week reminded me of Lee Wright’s warning about mondo grass in a previous newsletter. The under-plantings in this setting were totally overgrown and needed radical thinning or removal. Military grass, violets, miniature ivy […]

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