Note I am not trying to say that all our members are beginners. I have seen most of your trees and I stand in awe of the talented members in our society. However there are some new members and I hope that we will have many more in the future. For this reason I will be including some basic information in the newsletter from time to time when ever I have them available –Editor

When to repot bonsai:

Young plants every year
Established plants 2/3 years
Old trees every 5 years
Fast growing deciduous trees every  year (if required)

When to root prune tree types:

Japanese black/red pines: March/April (light root prune) or
July (heavy root prune if needed) or
Japanese Maples Winter after leaves fall
Trident Maples Autumn/winter/spring
Junipers Autumn/spring
Figs October to February
Natives Autumn/winter/spring
Evergreens Late winter/early spring
Chinese Elms Autumn/winter/spring
Flowering , fruiting and
deciduous trees
June:  Repot cherry, mulberry, apricot, plum, quincesJuly: pomegranate, manchurian pear, nyssa, hawthorn, crabapple, gingko, oaks, celtis, English elm, zelkova, crepe myrtle, taxodium, metasequoia, liquidambar. Maples
Conifers: July: two needle pines, cedars and spruce
Evergreens: August:  olives, privet, pyracantha, corokia, cotoneaster, buxus

Each season is different from year to year. This is a general guide only – you must learn to “read” your bonsai. Trees will often tell you when the time is right.

Thanks Editor