Bonsai Society of Australia Inc.

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What To Do In July

It’s been a cold start to winter this year but a break from the rain has been welcome, and I’ve been able to commence repotting my deciduous bonsai, as I’m sure many of you have as well. Some of the […]

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What to Do in June

May has been quite cold this year, but at least we haven’t had too many windy days. Hopefully, you have enjoyed some autumn colour from the deciduous trees in your collections, especially as we have had a bit of a […]

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What to do in June

Autumn has finally arrived with cooler nights and crisp mornings. It’s a good time to take a breath for now and take stock of how the trees in your collection have improved during the last year. We’ve had a lot […]

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What To Do In April

The end of summer and the start of autumn have been pleasant in the Sydney area. We have had occasional rain, but plenty of warm, sunny days to get out amongst our bonsai collections. During the heat of summer, it’s […]

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What to do in March

This summer has been very humid and also quite wet. This has meant that I have had plenty of issues with my trees, such as scale of various types (white wax scale being the worst on some natives), the usual […]

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What To Do in February

Although we’ve had some hot days this summer, the rain and resulting high humidity have been very prevalent, sometimes making working outside on our trees unpleasant. Some of you may have an indoor area where you can bring trees into […]

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What to Do in December/January

This is one of the busiest times of year for all bonsai artists. One needs to keep vigorous trees, particularly deciduous species, trimmed to encourage short internodes. It’s important to keep the balance between pruning and allowing growth just right, […]

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What to Do In November

This spring, so far, has been a crazy mix of hot days and ‘return to winter’ colder ones, but nonetheless, all your trees should be in active growth. As spring growth continues, one must be mindful of keeping vigorous trees […]

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What To Do In August 2023: Michele T

I always love this time of year, because a lot of my trees have been repotted and/or restyled. I feel great satisfaction visualising the next step in development for each tree as I work on it. Some have been transferred […]

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What to do in July: Michele T

It’s been pleasant to have a dry, although cold, start to winter, and I’ve been able to commence repotting my deciduous bonsai, as I’m sure many of you have too. Some of the species you should be working on include […]

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