All members are reminded that in December there is no workshop meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The 2023 BSA calendar starts on January 17th (3rd Tuesday) with the first workshop for the year, as normal.

Our January workshop will have a special focus on how to create a root over rock setting for your bonsai collection. This will be fun for members who have never done this before and also for members who want to repeat the experience.

To take part in this activity you will need to bring the following: a tree (figs are appropriate at this time of year), a rock, a deep pot (probably a 200mm or larger is most suitable) and bonsai soil of your choice. You will also require sphagnum moss & muck. If you are unable to source a suitable rock for your creation, Ian has some rocks available for members to use, which he will bring to the meeting. (Thank you Ian!)

You may also have a root over rock style that you have made before, but would like to do the big expose to this workshop. In this case, you will also need to bring a pot suitable for your tree & potting soil.

It should be a fun evening.

Of course, if you don’t want to take part in this activity, you are welcome to bring any other trees that you would like to work on for the evening.