Bonsai Society of Australia Inc.

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AABC Brisbane Convention

It was good! Really good! Well organised, lots to learn, great demos and a good sale area. Friday was an optional bus tour of a major bonsai nursery and Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens. The nursery was chock-a-block with VERY interesting […]

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News from the NBPCA

On the 1st of November 2023, Scott Saddler AM, Executive Branch Manager of the National Arboretum Canberra and Leigh Taafe, Curator at the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia (NBPCA) travelled to Japan to mark a significant moment in […]

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Canberra Bonsai Society Show 2023

It’s always fun to attend the Canberra Bonsai Society’s annual show. As usual, there was a good mix of native and exotic trees in various stages of development representing the range of its members which were well displayed, interesting demonstrations […]

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Workshop Notes

Last month participants mainly worked on deciduous species, including maples and wisteria. This month it isn’t too late to repot deciduous trees, so long as they aren’t yet in leaf. You might also want to start working on conifers, as […]

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Bonsai By The Harbour: Michele T

It was a real treat for me to attend Bonsai by the Harbour this June, not only because it was the first time I’d ever been able to attend this event, but also because our previously wet and cold winter […]

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Our Show

Once again, our show will be held in the large Harvey Lowe Pavilion, so this is a reminder to get your trees ready for show. There is no show without trees, YOUR TREES! So please consider showing a tree or […]

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Workshop Notes

Last month was one of our focus workshops for the year, working on group plantings. Two of our members participated in this activity, creating their first group settings. There was also an existing setting repotted into a handmade cement pot. […]

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Arthur Robinson and the Beginnings of the NBPCA: Leigh Taafe

At the time the National Bonsai & Penjing Collection of Australia (NBPCA) was officially opened in Commonwealth Park on 27th September 2008, Floriade was bustling all around the precinct. As part of the celebration of our opening, a couple of […]

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National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia

What a pleasure it is to visit the NBPCA at the National Arboretum. Summer might not seem like the perfect time but the weather has been a milder in Canberra this year. A volunteer commented that they had had a […]

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FYI: Bonsai-En: online bonsai shop and nursery in NSW Australia

Bonsai-En is an online bonsai shop and nursery in NSW Australia. We want to start supporting bonsai clubs around Australia which will also help support our growth to stock a larger range of quality bonsai supplies In Australia. We ship […]

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