February 2024 Demonstrator: John Marsh

An elder statesman of Australian bonsai, John started bonsai in 1971. He was founding member of the Nepean Bonsai Society (where he continues to teach), an inaugural member of the AABC and its vice-president for many years. John has demonstrated […]

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What To Do in February

Although we’ve had some hot days this summer, the rain and resulting high humidity have been very prevalent, sometimes making working outside on our trees unpleasant. Some of you may have an indoor area where you can bring trees into […]

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News from the NBPCA

On the 1st of November 2023, Scott Saddler AM, Executive Branch Manager of the National Arboretum Canberra and Leigh Taafe, Curator at the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia (NBPCA) travelled to Japan to mark a significant moment in […]

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Workshop Notes

All members are reminded that in December there is no workshop meeting on the 3rd Tuesday, but our normal monthly meeting for December (1st Tuesday) is a workshop meeting, with a focus on figs. Our workshop meetings for 2024 will […]

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This Month’s Demonstration/Workshop: Figs

This month is a workshop meeting focusing on ficus. There will be short demonstration/ discussion on figs and the rest of the evening will be an opportunity to work on your own figs. Andrew, Ingrid, Paulette and Sam are extremely […]

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What to Do in December/January

This is one of the busiest times of year for all bonsai artists. One needs to keep vigorous trees, particularly deciduous species, trimmed to encourage short internodes. It’s important to keep the balance between pruning and allowing growth just right, […]

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Canberra Bonsai Society Show 2023

It’s always fun to attend the Canberra Bonsai Society’s annual show. As usual, there was a good mix of native and exotic trees in various stages of development representing the range of its members which were well displayed, interesting demonstrations […]

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Workshop Notes

This is a great time to bring tropical species such as figs and bougainvillea to work on. Root pruning and styling are both possible, so make sure you bring everything you’ll need if you want to spend your evening developing […]

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November’s Demonstration: Michael Hood

Michael has been practising bonsai since 1995 after working a few days at a bonsai nursery. He was then lucky enough to study with Lee Wilson for several years. For the past fifteen, he has been working alongside his brother […]

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What to Do In November

This spring, so far, has been a crazy mix of hot days and ‘return to winter’ colder ones, but nonetheless, all your trees should be in active growth. As spring growth continues, one must be mindful of keeping vigorous trees […]

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