Bonsai Society of Australia Inc.

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Dothistroma Needle Blight and Wooley Pine Aphid

Dothistroma needle blight is more commonly known as red tip or red band disease. To the best of my knowledge it first appeared in the radiata pine forests around Cooma NSW and is rumoured to have been introduced to Australia […]

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Preparing Trees Ready for Show

Bending Branches Obviously the most common way to bend branches is with wire but there are times that you need to use different techniques for the sake of the health and the type of tree you have. Using corks to […]

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Writing Revision from Joe Morgan-Payler

Anchor wire to two branches so you have maximum strength- no movement. Always use a heavier wire when in doubt. Old Japanese saying, ‘When the wind blows, the style changes.‘ Pinch last wrap and use the wire to turn-forming a […]

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Ficus (or figs) is a genus of close to 1000 different species which include trees, shrubs, vines and epiphytes all belonging to the mulberry family (Moraceae).  Some begin life as hemi epiphytes – seeds that are dispersed by birds and […]

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THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A SERIES PERTAINING TO POTTING MEDIUMS Dorothy Koreshoff O.A.M. ©️ reproduction by permission. I have spent what seems a lifetime with bonsai since marrying Vita Koreshoff in 1949 at the age of 18. He had […]

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Helpful Hint

It has been such a warm lead up to winter and many deciduous trees are yet to lose their leaves. For these trees a period of dormancy is important, so if your deciduous trees still have their foliage, it should […]

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