May (2024) Demonstration : Sean Hood

Sean is an extremely talented bonsai artist who has been practising bonsai for over twenty years. From a modest beginning in a small nursery on the Central Coast and a period of study with Lee Wilson, Sean’s skills now, span […]

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What to do in June

Autumn has finally arrived with cooler nights and crisp mornings. It’s a good time to take a breath for now and take stock of how the trees in your collection have improved during the last year. We’ve had a lot […]

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Dead Wood Work

Water Gum (Tristaniopsis laurina) is a great choice for bonsai, particularly in the Sydney area where it is commonly used as a street tree and thrives with little or no attention. Shiny, attractive foliage with bronze tips in spring, easily […]

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March Demonstration: Joe Morgan-Paylor

At last month’s BSA meeting, Joe Morgan-Paylor from Nichigo Bonsai ( used a Podocarpus lawrencei propagated by Jarryd Bailey ( in 2014 and bought from Tree Makers ( recently. Podocarpus lawrencei or the Mountain Plum Pine is a sub alpine/ […]

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April’s Demonstrator : Andrew Edge

AABC visiting tutor, Andrew Edge is the owner of Edge Bonsai Studio, and a well-known and admired bonsai artist from the Central Coast. He is passionate about bonsai and brings a deep knowledge of horticulture and Japanese techniques to his […]

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What To Do In April

The end of summer and the start of autumn have been pleasant in the Sydney area. We have had occasional rain, but plenty of warm, sunny days to get out amongst our bonsai collections. During the heat of summer, it’s […]

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Canberra Bonsai Society’s Native Exhibition

  • Posted By: Bonsai Admin
  • Date:
  • Category: Bonsai, Others

A bonsai exhibition of solely Australian native plants is always a pleasure. Seeing the species that grow around us is exciting, and the Canberra Bonsai Society’s show did not disappoint. This year’s theme, ‘The Australian landscape in the palm of […]

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Workshop Notes

Last month’s workshop had fewer attendees than we’ve had in recent months, although there was still plenty to do. Figs were still able to be repotted, as the weather was still quite hot, and there was trimming of excess summer […]

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March’s Demonstration: Joe Morgan-Paylor

Well known as a national demonstrator, Joe Morgan-Payler brings a deep knowledge of bonsai and great creativity to all he does. Joe grew up in the temperate rainforests of the Otway Ranges in south-west Victoria and so has always been influenced by the complexity of nature. Interested in bonsai rom his teenage years, Joe eventually went to study in Japan under Mr Urushibata at Taisho-en, to which he has returned many times to refine his skills. A friendly personality combined with insight and knowledge and a background in Fine Arts and Design makes Joe a unique demonstrator and his workshop a great learning experience.

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What to do in March

This summer has been very humid and also quite wet. This has meant that I have had plenty of issues with my trees, such as scale of various types (white wax scale being the worst on some natives), the usual […]

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