May 2023 Demonstrator: Ashley Brown

Ashley brought a large, old black pine to work on last month. Thirty years in the ground and three in the pot, the tree had some flaws but also had good movement, lovely bark and a beautiful nebari. It was […]

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Demonstrator For June: Sean Hood

Sean is an extremely talented bonsai artist who has been practising bonsai for over twenty years. From a modest beginning in a small nursery on the Central Coast and a period of study with Lee Wilson, Sean became a popular […]

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What to do in June by Michele T

Our autumn in Sydney had some fairly cold days, forecasting the fact that winter was coming, and is, in fact, now here. With the sun moving lower in the sky during the colder months, you may need to move your […]

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Spraying Trees With Diluted Lime Sulphur by Andrew Edge

Being the first month of winter means it’s the first of three ‘bench sprays’ with diluted lime sulphur over the next three months. I like to do any spraying on the first weekend of the month. That way I remember […]

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April Demonstration: Clinton Nesci

Once again, Clinton Nesci gave a most interesting demonstration using Australian natives to create literati trees. Species like the Australian tea tree (Leptospermum ‘Mesmer Eyes’), Tick bush (Kunzea ambigua) and Heath myrtle (Baeckea virgata) lend themselves well to the literati […]

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May Demonstrator: Ashley Brown

Well known bonsai nurseryman, Ashley Brown has been surrounded by plants all his life. He started his horticultural career in 1985 working for one of Australia’s largest propagation nurseries and has owned nurseries since 1993; as a result, there are […]

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What to do in May: Michele T

Autumn is well and truly on us now, with cooler nights and crisp mornings. We’ve had a lot of showery weather of late, so watering thirsty trees has probably not been a priority like it is in summer. Keep your […]

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  • Posted By: Bonsai Admin
  • Date:
  • Category: Bonsai, Others

Chinese sweet plum or Sageretia theezans is a subtropical evergreen, native to China and Japan, often used in bonsai particularly throughout southern Asia. Sageretia have small, attractive, bright green, oval leaves and lovely leathery multi-coloured bark, not unlike Crepe Myrtle. […]

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March Demonstration: Tony Bebb

Last month, Tony chose cedar from the display table to work on. He likes the tall, graceful style of literati trees and this was an elegant tree in need of a new eye and some refinement. Tony’s plan was to […]

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What To Do in April: Michele T

While the weather remains warm, it’s a good time to repot many species, particularly evergreens like pyracantha, cotoneasters, olives and star jasmine etc. Recently repotted trees will need protection if the nights suddenly become cold within the first couple of […]

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