Repotting Deciduous Trees: Brenda Parker

Remove any weeds, moss, fallen leaves and debris from the soil surface. Study the structure of the branches and then cut out any crossing branches and shorten the long branches to instigate more branching (ramification) in spring. Remove the tree […]

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  • Posted By: Bonsai Admin
  • Date:
  • Category: Bonsai, Others

Chinese sweet plum or Sageretia theezans is a subtropical evergreen, native to China and Japan, often used in bonsai particularly throughout southern Asia. Sageretia have small, attractive, bright green, oval leaves and lovely leathery multi-coloured bark, not unlike Crepe Myrtle. […]

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Bonsai Business

Our Annual General Meeting will be held before December’s meeting on Tuesday 6th December 2022 at 7.30pm at the West Pennant Hills Community Centre. The agenda will be as follows:  Welcome address by the Vice President. To receive, and if […]

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A Hole in One: Lee Wright

I have a fetish about putting all my trees into bonsai pots, even the trees in early training that don’t begin to deserve a dedicated pot. My benches are just outside my dining room and kitchen windows so you can […]

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Workshop Notes: Michele T

This is a great time to bring tropical species such as figs to work on. Root pruning and styling are both possible, so make sure you bring everything you’ll need if you want to spend your evening developing your figs. […]

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Workshop Notes: Michele T

October is still a good time to repot many evergreens, such as olives, pyracantha and buxus. Chinese elms can be repotted almost any time of the year, so now is also a good time for working on them. The other […]

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Don’t we all have pots like this or am I just weird? One of the downsides (?) of being a bonsai enthusiast is the tendency to collect pots for which you have no tree, not now, often never. This translates […]

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Our Show

Once again, our show will be held in the large Harvey Lowe Pavilion, so this is a reminder to get your trees ready for show. There is no show without trees, YOUR TREES! So please consider showing a tree or […]

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Workshop Notes

Last month was one of our focus workshops for the year, working on group plantings. Two of our members participated in this activity, creating their first group settings. There was also an existing setting repotted into a handmade cement pot. […]

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Jins, Shari and Split Trunks by Brenda Parker

The Origins of Jins and Sharis In nature these occur naturally without the aid of human intervention on junipers. There is a variety of a mountain juniper called a nezu and the natural jins and sharis are made by a […]

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