For Your Information
A new bonsai podcast, Bonsai Wire, is now available on podcast apps: Michael Hagedorn, Jonas Dupuich, Andrew Robson and John Eads cover topics in a roundtable format and interview others for their viewpoints. CALLING AUSTRALIAN BONSAI & PENJING ARTISTS […]
BSA Bonzai Zoom
For the last couple of months the BSA has been trialing weekly Zoom meetings. For the first month or so four members tried to get their their heads around how this would work and what the the format would be […]
Clinton’s Banksia
Clinton brought this lovely little tree to the February meeting to illustrate how good Australian natives are for bonsai. This is a dwarf variety and like all Banksia serrata, it has wrinkled, grey, knobbly bark and shiny green serrated leaves. […]
BSA Business – Important Reminders
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- Category: Bonsai, Events, Monthly Demonstration, Others
BSA fees are due this month and are as follows: Membership Joining fee $12.00 Annual fee $35.00 Students $25.00 Family (at same address) $40.00 For your information here are the demonstrators for the first half of this year. February […]
Can’t Help Myself
After attending the AABC Conference in Melbourne, I was motivated to attack my very raw black pine, which was calling out for a drastic work over. The pine had 25cm long candles and required some major reconstruction. I removed the […]