Bonsai Reshaped at the National Arboretum
- Posted By: Bonsai Admin
- Date:
- Category: Bonsai, Events, Exhibitions / Shows
As always, the team at the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia in Canberra organised an excellent event in Bonsai Reshaped. The workshops with Scott Martin and Jarryd Bailey were full and enjoyed greatly by all those involved. All […]
- Posted By: Bonsai Admin
- Date:
- Category: Bonsai, Events, Exhibitions / Shows
Last month, despite the obstacles, Canberra Bonsai Society held their annual show and what a success it was. People queued quietly (and with social distancing it was a long queue) and once inside had the opportunity to buy all things […]
Canberra Bonsai Society Annual Bonsai Show
- Posted By: Bonsai Admin
- Date:
- Category: Bonsai, Events, Exhibitions / Shows
Canberra Bonsai Society is happy to announce the annual bonsai show will be held at the Canberra High School from 10-11 October 2020. ACT COVID-19 rules will apply. We look forward to seeing you there!
FYI: Earth and Fire 2020 & Bonsai and Shohin Open Competition 2020
Re: Earth and Fire 2020 Dear Fellow Bonsai Enthusiasts, I am sorry to inform you that Earth & Fire 2020 Bonsai Pot Exhibition & Sale, which we were planning to hold on the 25th & 26th of July in Sydney […]
BSA Bonzai Zoom
For the last couple of months the BSA has been trialing weekly Zoom meetings. For the first month or so four members tried to get their their heads around how this would work and what the the format would be […]
Cancellation of BSA Meeting & Workshop
Hello BSA Members It is with regret that our BSA meetings and workshops will be cancelled until further notice due to the corona virus. Good news is that the newsletter will continue to keep you up to date.
This Month’s Demonstration: Christmas Party!
The Christmas festivities will start after a short AGM to elect committee members for next year and then the fun begins. Bring a tree for last tree standing- always so much more fun if you are part of it. There […]
December 2019 Meeting
- Posted By:
- Date:
- Category: Bonsai, Events, Monthly Demonstration
There is no demonstration next month but this does not mean that nothing is happening. Come along and join us for our AGM followed by the BSA Christmas party. Always fun!
Scenes from BSA Annual Show 2019
Again, thank you so much to all those who helped with our show; from those who displayed trees and/or gave demonstrations to the very hard working volunteers who set up and pulled down the show and those who manned the […]