August Demonstrator Recap: Allan Harding

Last month, Allan gave a thought-provoking presentation on how to develop one’s artistic skill with bonsai and/or penjing. Using Sydney artist Lindy Lee’s advice to young visual artists, Allan introduced us, through example, to the art of appropriation and its […]

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What to do in September

After a mild July, where I was concerned all my deciduous trees would come into leaf early, the balance was restored by a very cold August, which confirmed that the season was still very much winter! Now, at last, we […]

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Tree Making: New Etchings by Michael Kempson

Artist, bonsai artist and BSA member, Michael Kempson has a new exhibition of truly beautiful etchings at the Flinders Street Gallery, Darlinghurst. A master printmaker, Michael combines an artist’s sensibility with great technical skill. These works examine ideas of bonsai- […]

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Bonsai Comprehensive: Ingrid Bauer

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A few members of BSA Inc attended the Shohin Comprehensive Demonstration and Presentation featuring Koji Hiramatsu, at Steve Hantos’s new venue, the custom built AusBonsai Studio set amongst a most tranquil Japanese garden in Rosehill, Sydney. Topics covered were growing […]

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July Demonstrator Recap: Ian White and Sean Hood

Another great demo from Ian and Sean on root over rock last month and if you’ll excuse the pun, between them they covered all facets. Root over rock can be broken down into three basic parts: selecting the material, putting […]

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August’s Demonstrator: Allan Harding

Allan is well known for his involvement in the Penjing Institute of Australia with Kingston Wang and his role previously in maintaining the bonsai and penjing at the Chinese Gardens of Friendship at Darling Harbour. Allan studied bonsai for fifteen […]

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What to do in August

I am sure not many of you (if any) spent time in July pruning back your figs but that is exactly what I found myself doing at the start of the month. I had noticed sooty mould on some of […]

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What is it about these two photos of the same tree taken the same morning? What is the subtle but marked difference? Why is the modified style in the second photo better? It is all about TAPER, the natural progression […]

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June Demonstration Recap: Tony Bebb

Neil Ryan’s theme for the AABC Conference this year was how to move a tree that had been aesthetically pleasing and well styled in the past into its next iteration. Tony Bebb’s demonstration last month was a lesson in how […]

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July Demonstrator: Ian White and Sean Hood

Ian joined the BSA in 2000 after leaving both South Africa and his bonsai collection to come to Australia. Since then Ian has rebuilt a significant collection of both native and exotic trees. Ian is a skillful communicator whose deep […]

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