What to do in July

The recent rain and generally calm weather has meant that my bonsai haven’t needed a lot of watering or attention, although this cannot go on for much longer. I am aware that there is still plenty to do, so I […]

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50th Annual Camellia Show

NSW Camellia Research Society Inc presents its 50th Annual Camellia Show. Happening at Ravenswoon School for Girls Henry Street, Gordon, this July 13, Saturday from 1.30PM to 4.30PM and July 14th Sunday from 10AM to 4PM.

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Bonsai Society of Australia Annual Show 2019

This year we will again have our show at the Harvey Lowe Pavilion (20-22nd September), so put the date in your diary and this is and seriously consider displaying one or more of your trees. The Harvey Lowe Pavilion is […]

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  • Category: Bonsai

I have had a Kunzea ambigua for many years… say fourteen. It has gone through several dramatic style changes, a few pots and I finally kinda felt I was on the right course but it just wasn’t quite right. Okay, […]

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Natives: Myths and Misconceptions of Australian Bonsai

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  • Category: Bonsai

Please note that photos are from the exhibition and descriptions are from the show catalogue that are used to illustrate Marcela’s points. For many years Australian native species for bonsai were overlooked in favour of exotics and while some were […]

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May Demonstrator: Ashley Brown

Ashley chose swamp cypress, five big swamp cypress, for last month’s demonstration and with quite a bit of elbow grease styled them into a large forest setting. Swamp cypress is a species that he enjoys working with due to its […]

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June Demonstrator: Tony Bebb

Tony started bonsai in 1985 as a teenager working in his family’s bonsai nursery in Brisbane under the keen eye of his father Lindsay. Here, Tony developed his skills through growing and working with bonsai for the next sixteen years. […]

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What to do in June

With the sun moving lower in the sky during the colder months, you may need to move your trees around to get more direct sun. As the days become shorter, it can be difficult to get enough hours of sunlight […]

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Mondo Monster

Mini mondo grass can look nice with a bonsai or in a setting to give the right ambience but it can be deadlier than it looks from its petite size. The roots can form a thick, solid mat in the […]

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April Demonstrator: Hugh Grant and Casuarinas

Hugh’s choice of tree for last month’s demonstration was Casuarina or more precisely, Allocasuarina which are a favourite his. Commonly known as she-oak, Casuarina and Allocasuarina are in the same family but Allocasuarina are only found in Australia while Casuarina […]

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