What to do in February

The last few months have been very hot and there’s more of the same ahead, so it’s still important not to let your trees dry out. Some shallow or smaller pots rmay require watering more than once a day at […]

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Christmas Party 4th December

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  • Category: Bonsai, Events

We are having a new look evening with all new games with the aim of raising some funds for your club while having some fun.   What to bring: Yourself and a partner or friend for a fun night A […]

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February Demonstrator: Ray Macaway

Popular School of Bonsai teacher and regular visiting demonstrator to our club, Ray needs no introduction. He has written the definitive article on wisteria as bonsai and we are very lucky to have him come to explain his techniques for […]

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Ficus (or figs) is a genus of close to 1000 different species which include trees, shrubs, vines and epiphytes all belonging to the mulberry family (Moraceae).  Some begin life as hemi epiphytes – seeds that are dispersed by birds and […]

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Windburn and What to Do About It

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  • Category: General

The subject of wind-burn is a HOT subject in summer and particularly relevant given the windy weather we have been experiencing recently. Actually, the cause of damage to contained plants is NOT necessarily SUN or WIND but lack of moisture […]

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November Demonstrator: Brenda Parker

What a great demonstration Brenda gave last month covering all aspects of training, repotting and caring for azaleas. Brenda brought three azaleas to illustrate her talk; a sentimental choice that needed work, the azalea she worked on at our show […]

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What to do in December and January

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  • Category: General

Summer is a very busy time for the bonsai enthusiast. For many species, spring growth will continue and one must be mindful of keeping vigorous trees trimmed to encourage short internodes. Watering is the most important task during summer because […]

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A bit of fun for the Holidays: Kokedama

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  • Category: Bonsai

Kokedama is a traditional Japanese art form that uses moss as a container to hold a plant. Usually used as companion plants for display kokodama are fun to make and easy to maintain. These notes come from a workshop I […]

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I am not young enough to know everything by Mick Balzary

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  • Category: Bonsai

Mick has contributed to the bonsai community with articles and demonstrations as visiting tutor for the AABC over many years and has donated bonsai to the NBPCA. Over the past 40 years of bonsai I have learnt a little bit […]

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October Demonstration by Sean Hood

As expected Sean presented a most interesting and thought provoking demonstration last month. Sean’s aim was to show how one could take one’s bonsai to the next level without spending ‘mega’ bucks. As usual, Sean was well prepared to illustrate […]

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